Pragmatiq funds free places at Women’s Football Trials

Jessica Sheridan, Marketing Manager

September 9th, 2021

2 min read

Pragmatiq are pleased to announce their recent partnership with Soccer Assist, offering ten free places to girls within the local community to attend their upcoming football trials.

Soccer Assist, based locally in Milton Keynes, supports young athletes to obtain a soccer scholarship in America, where they will study for a degree whilst playing football every day at some of the finest facilities in the country. Before the University process begins, aspiring athletes must attend a trial to assess their abilities. After touring the UK looking for talented student-athletes, Soccer Assist will be returning to Milton Keynes where they will be hosting their next Women’s Football Trials. We are pleased to announce that Pragmatiq has funded ten places at these trials, allowing girls to attend the trial for free as they start their potential journey to College in America.

We are keen to support organisations in the local area, and as a current sponsor of the Soccer Assist Academy, we already understand the great work the team does across the Milton Keynes community, and further afield. Giving back to causes we believe in is a big part of what Pragmatiq stands for. We want to get involved where we can and always aim to make a difference. When the opportunity arose to sponsor the Women’s Trials, we recognised that it is a fantastic way to support girls who want to get into the sport in a professional capacity. Over the years, Women’s sport has become increasingly popular, and rightly so. There is some fantastic talent out there and we hope this offer encourages girls who have a passion for football to combine education with playing at a high level.

Soccer Assists’ Women’s Trial takes place on Tuesday 26th October at Sport Central, located near our office right next to Milton Keynes train station. You can find out more about what their trial day consists of by clicking here.

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