Improving Efficiency at British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust (BSLBT)

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British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust Case Study

Pragmatiq worked with the British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust to move away from manual, time-consuming processes, to a Bespoke CRM Solution that has improved overall efficiency across the organisation and provided a stable platform for future growth.

Background & Challenges


BSLBT commissions television programmes made in British Sign Language, established in 2008 to facilitate sign language provision on qualifying channels.


  • Disparate Systems: Operated with disparate systems and relied on spreadsheets.
  • Manual Processes: Time-consuming processes for daily information access and reporting.
  • Duplication of Work: Hours lost due to duplicated efforts across disconnected systems.
  • Lack of Automation: Limited automation, especially critical for managing expiring TV rights and contracts.
  • Email Management: Extensive admin time managing emails between BSLBT and production companies.
  • Knowledge Reliance: Heavy reliance on employee knowledge and expertise.
British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust Case Study

The Solution & Implementation

Discovery and Planning:

Pragmatiq conducted a detailed analysis of BSLBTs requirements and designed a customised solution leveraging Microsoft Dynamics 365.


  • Centralised Database: Implemented Microsoft Dynamics 365 for a centralised database solution.
  • Customisation: Tailored Dynamics 365 to manage Programme and Stakeholder Management effectively.
  • Integration: Connected with existing tools like Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and SharePoint.
  • Dashboard Reporting: Established role-specific dashboard reporting for daily data analysis.
  • Proactive Tracking: Enabled proactive tracking of interactions with production companies.
British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust Case Study

The Transformation


  • Single Source of Information: Overcame inconsistencies with integrated spreadsheets.
  • Improved Information Access: Enhanced visibility and access to critical information.
  • Reduced Admin Time: Streamlined operations led to more focused employees.
  • Scalable Platform: Provided a customisable, stable platform for future growth.
  • Enhanced Insight: Utilised robust reporting capabilities for better operational control.

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